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Sun, 18-Jun-2023
Total lessons

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58:30:18 Hours
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At the end of the course, learners should have a good understanding of UiPath and be able to use it to automate various tasks and processes. This course is suitable for anyone who wants to learn UiPath, including those with no prior experience in RPA or programming.
  • Minimum Laptop with Windows 10 OS
  • Speed Internet
  • Learners will gain a strong foundation in UiPath and RPA technology.
  • They will be able to install and configure UiPath software on their machines.
  • They will learn how to create workflows and automate various tasks and processes using UiPath.
  • Learners will understand how to work with variables and data within UiPath workflows.
  • They will be able to debug workflows and identify and fix errors and issues.
  • Learners will be able to create custom activities and integrate UiPath with other applications and systems.
  • The course will provide learners with practical, real-world scenarios to apply what they have learned in the course.
  • Learners will be able to improve their efficiency and productivity by automating routine tasks and processes using UiPath.